As you might have noticed, keeping the appetite under control is one of the main factors for a successful weight loss, and appetite suppressants evidently can aid you in achieving your ideal body. But the thing is, prescription appetite suppressants are only prescribed for people who are very overweight
Let’s say you are a bit overweight and want to lose a few pounds, for sure your doctor won’t give you a recommendation to purchase an appetite suppressant. So let’s pretend you are suffering from obesity and got an approval for a prescribed medication, do you think just because it is recommended by your doctor, it is safe for you? Prescription appetite suppressants are made of synthetic ingredients that are harmful to the body. Apparently a great number of people have had unpleasant experiences with those types of appetite suppressants, and even a few have lost their lives to these supplements.
So, you choose an over the counter appetite suppressant instead, but do you know which one effective and safe as well? You’re thinking, it is “over the counter” so perhaps it’s safe because everyone can buy it and it is accepted by the FDA. Well sorry to tell you this, but a lot of over the counter products that were approved by the FDA have been removed from the shelves because they were considered unsafe, and several people suffered extremely from this.
Did you know that appetite suppressants that are made up of synthetic drugs only work for a fewweeks? It’s true, these appetite suppressants are only good when you’re starting your weight loss program since they are only used to help you for a while until you change your eating habits in those first few weeks. The appetite-reducing qualities of these supplements are likely to decline after sometime and then you wonder why you’re still craving for a bar of chocolate. These types of appetite suppressants work by stimulating your nervous system, and that can cause adverse effects
The only OTC appetite suppressant that is considered as the top appetite suppressant is Hoodia Gordonii. Why? Well, maybe because it’s natural and has been clinically proven. Don’t get me wrong here, not all natural products are safe either, but they are well-tolerated by our bodies than synthetic drugs thus you would expect lesser side-effects. The most important thing here is that Hoodia Gordonii has been clinically tested for years and has been proven a far better appetite suppressant because it has no known side effects and can be used for a longer period without diminishing its appetite-suppressing qualities. Hoodia Gordonii works by making the brain believe that you are full even though you’ve eaten only a little.
What most people are concerned about is not really the effectiveness of the Hoodia Gordonii, but finding an authentic one. 80% of Hoodia products on the market have been discovered as fake. Either these supplements have no Hoodia in them or have been scrimping on their ingredients. Before you get worried and all, there are ways of detecting a100% pure Hoodia Gordonii from the fake.
Learn more about the best over the counter appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii.
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